Bitbucket Generate Ssh Key Centos

  • Azure
    • Monitoring Azure services
    • Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface (xplat-cli)
  • Linux

How to install Ansible to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

See Set up an SSH key for more details. Add the public key to your repository. To add an access key to a repository: In a terminal or Command Prompt, log in to the server where the key is located. From Bitbucket, go to the repository and click Settings. Click Access keys from the left menu. Press Add key. Press Add key. From the Add SSH key dialog, enter a Label and paste the public key from the clipboard. Press Add key. Bitbucket notifies you by email that you added a key to your repository. If you are using your key for a build system, it is a good idea to confirm the key.

Monitoring Azure services

Monitoring Linux VM

Azure VM Extension IaaSDiagnostics (Azure Diagnostics Extension) is not yet supported in Linux VMs.

Azure management portal supports alert rules that send email alerts on following KPIs:

  • Network In (Bytes)
  • Network Out (Bytes)
  • CPU Percentage (%)
  • Disk Write Bytes/sec (Bytes/s)
  • Disk Read Bytes/sec (Bytes/s)

Select the cloud service the virtual machine belongs to: monitor-tab > add metrics and then add rule.

Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface (xplat-cli)

Instructions how to install and run xplat-cli in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with bash.


  • Sources in GitHub

xplat-cli runs on node.js platform so install node.js first.

Install bash completion too:

Install xplat-cli and configure bash completion:


Later you'll need to update xplat-cli:

Update the bash completion too.

Login with account based authentication

Account based authentication relies on tokens that will expire at some point so re-authentication will be required. Two different types of accounts can be used:

  • Azure organizational accounts

Login with Microsoft account requires one to open a web page where one have to enter an authentication code provided by the azure login command.

Note that you can log in to multiple accounts at the same time.

Login with a certificate

Earlier known also as a publishsettings file.

The certificate never expires.

Set Mode

Use Azure Resource Manager (ARM). Resource Manager overview. The ARM is not the default mode.

Create Azure Linux VM

Useful resources:

List available VM images:

List available VM locations:

List your virtual machines:

Generate certificate:

  • myPrivateKey.key is the private key that have to be kept secret
  • myCert.pem is the public key

Bitbucket Ssh Key Windows

Create a virtual machine:

Add SSH endpoint ACL:

Export VM role file the can be used later with vm create-from to re-create the VM. See also Exporting and Importing VM settings with the Azure Command-Line Tools.

Create Azure Blob Storage

Useful tools:

The storage URL is in format:

Note that there is really only one container level-hierarchy. If the URL seems to have more containers they are in fact part of the blob name.

Create new storage account and set the access key:

Create new container:

List blobs in container:

Configuration file: ~/.ssh/config

Generate ssh-keys:

See also:

SSH agent:

Generate Ssh Key Windows

SSH local port forwarding:

SSH key based authentication:

sshd essential configuration (/etc/ssh/sshd_config):

Restart sshd in CentOS7: systemctl restart sshd.service

Get server certificates:

Save server certificate (1st in the chain) to a file (PEM/DER). Note the other certificates in the chain are ignored:

Show certificate information:

Certificate fingerprints:

Check server SSL configuration with openssl:

Use -R option for recursion.



Replace A String In File

Random String


  • My Vagrant Base Boxes
  • Keep VirtualBox guest additions up-to-date with

Generate Ssh Key Github

Bitbucket ssh setup

Troubleshooting ssh configuration:

Bitbucket Generate Ssh Key Centos Download
