Gpg Option For Generate Key

Table of Contents
Generating a new keypair
Exchanging keys
Encrypting and decrypting documents
Making and verifying signatures

Jan 20, 2010  How to Generate PGP Signatures with Maven. How to Generate PGP Signatures with Maven. Before you do anything with GPG, you will need to generate a key pair for yourself. Once you have you own key pair, you can use your private key to sign artifacts, and distribute your public key to public key servers and end-users so that they can validate.

GnuPG is a tool for secure communication.This chapter is a quick-start guide that covers the core functionalityof GnuPG.This includes keypair creation, exchanging and verifying keys, encryptingand decrypting documents, and authenticating documents with digitalsignatures.It does not explain in detail the concepts behind public-key cryptography,encryption, and digital signatures.This is covered in Chapter 2.It also does not explain how to use GnuPG wisely.This is covered in Chapters 3 and 4.

GnuPG uses public-key cryptography so that users may communicate securely.In a public-key system, each user has a pair of keys consisting ofa private key and a public key.A user's private key is kept secret; it need never be revealed.The public key may be given to anyone with whom the user wants tocommunicate.GnuPG uses a somewhat more sophisticated scheme in which a user hasa primary keypair and then zero or more additional subordinate keypairs.The primary and subordinate keypairs are bundled to facilitate keymanagement and the bundle can often be considered simply as one keypair.

Gpg Option For Generate Key Code


The command-line option --gen-keyis used to create a new primary keypair.GnuPG is able to create several different types of keypairs, but a primarykey must be capable of making signatures.There are therefore only three options.Option 1 actually creates two keypairs.A DSA keypair is the primary keypair usable only for making signatures.An ElGamal subordinate keypair is also created for encryption. Option 2 is similar but creates only a DSA keypair.Option 4[1] creates a single ElGamal keypair usable for both making signatures and performing encryption.In all cases it is possible to later add additional subkeys for encryptionand signing.For most users the default option is fine.

You must also choose a key size.The size of a DSA key must be between 512 and 1024 bits, and an ElGamalkey may be of any size.GnuPG, however, requires that keys be no smaller than 768 bits.Therefore, if Option 1 was chosen and you choose a keysize larger than1024 bits, the ElGamal key will have the requested size, but the DSAkey will be 1024 bits.The longer the key the more secure it is against brute-force attacks,but for almost all purposes the default keysize is adequate sinceit would be cheaper to circumvent the encryption than try to break it.Also, encryption and decryption will be slower as thekey size is increased, and a larger keysize may affect signature length.Once selected, the keysize can never be changed.

Finally, you must choose an expiration date.If Option 1 was chosen, the expiration date will be used for both theElGamal and DSA keypairs.For most users a key that does not expire is adequate.The expiration time should be chosen with care, however,since although it is possible to change the expiration date after the keyis created, it may be difficult to communicate a changeto users who have your public key.

You must provide a user ID in addition to the key parameters.The user ID is used to associate the key being created with a realperson.Only one user ID is created when a key is created, but it is possibleto create additional user IDs if you want to use the key in two ormore contexts, e.g., as an employee at work and a political activiston the side.A user ID should be created carefully since it cannot be edited afterit is created.

GnuPG needs a passphrase to protect the primary and subordinate private keys that you keep in your possession.There is no limit on the length of a passphrase, and it should becarefully chosen.From the perspective of security, the passphrase to unlock the privatekey is one of the weakest points in GnuPG (and other public-key encryption systems as well) since it is the only protection you have if another individual gets your private key.Ideally, the passphrase should not use words from a dictionary andshould mix the case of alphabetic characters as well as use non-alphabetic characters.A good passphrase is crucial to the secure use of GnuPG.

Generating a revocation certificate

After your keypair is created you should immediately generate a revocationcertificate for the primary public key using the option--gen-revoke.If you forget your passphrase or if your private key is compromised or lost, this revocation certificate may be published to notify othersthat the public key should no longer be used.A revoked public key can still be used to verify signatures madeby you in the past, but it cannot be used to encrypt future messagesto you.It also does not affect your ability to decrypt messages sent toyou in the past if you still do have access to the private key.The argument mykey must be a keyspecifier,either the key ID of your primary keypair or any part of a user IDthat identifies your keypair.The generated certificate will be left in the filerevoke.asc.If the --output option is omitted, the result will be placed on standard output.Since the certificate is short, you may wish to print a hardcopy ofthe certificate to store somewhere safe such as your safe deposit box.The certificate should not be stored where others can access it sinceanybody can publish the revocation certificate and render thecorresponding public key useless.



Option 3 is to generate an ElGamal keypair that isnot usable for making signatures.

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GpgGpg option for generate key generator

Encryption/decryption commands

Gpg Invalid Option --full-generate-key

  • To encrypt a plaintext file with the recipient's public key:
  • To sign a plaintext file with your secret key:
  • To sign a plaintext file with your secret key and have the outputreadable to people without running GPG first:
  • To sign a plaintext file with your secret key, and then encrypt itwith the recipient's public key:
  • To decrypt an encrypted file, or to check the signature integrityof a signed file:

Key management commands

  • To generate your own unique public/secret key pair:
  • To add a public or secret key file's contents to your public orsecret key ring:
  • To extract (copy) a key from your public or secret key ring:


  • To view the contents of your public key ring:
  • To view the 'fingerprint' of a public key, to help verify it overthe telephone with its owner:
  • To view the contents and check the certifying signatures of yourpublic key ring:
  • To edit a key:
  • To remove a key or just a userid from your public key ring:
  • To permanently revoke your own key, issuing a key compromise certificate:
  • To disable or re-enable a public key on your own public key ring:


Esoteric commands

  • To create a signature certificate that is detached from the document:
  • To detach a signature certificate from a signed message

Gpg Gen Key

Command options that can be used in combination with other command options

Gpg Option For Generate Key Download

  • To produce a ciphertext file in ASCII format, just add the -aoption when encrypting or signing a message or extracting a key:
  • To specify a recipient, add the -r option followed by a user id:
  • To specify an output file, add the -o option followed by a filename: