Generate Access Key For Minio

Kes tool identity new MinIO -key=minio.key -cert=minio.cert -time=8760h Note that MinIO is the subject name. You may choose a more appropriate name for your deployment scenario. Also, for production deployments we recommend to get a TLS certificate for client authentication that has been issued by a CA. To get the identity of a X.509. MinIO server displays URL, access and secret keys. Usage mc config host add YOUR-MINIO-ENDPOINT YOUR-ACCESS-KEY YOUR-SECRET-KEY Keys must be supplied by argument or standard input. Alias is simply a short name to your MinIO service. MinIO end-point, access and secret keys are supplied by your MinIO service.


An access key is an underlined character in the text of a menu, menu item, or the label of a control such as a button. With an access key, the user can 'click' a button by pressing the Alt key in combination with the predefined access key. For example, if a button runs a procedure to print a form, and therefore its Text property is set to 'Print,' adding an ampersand before the letter 'P' causes the letter 'P' to be underlined in the button text at run time. The user can run the command associated with the button by pressing Alt+P.

Controls that cannot receive focus can't have access keys.


Set the Text property to a string that includes an ampersand (&) before the letter that will be the shortcut.


To use an ampersand in a caption without creating an access key, include two ampersands (&&). A single ampersand is displayed in the caption and no characters are underlined.



Generate Access Key For Mini Storage

In the Properties window of Visual Studio, set the Text property to a string that includes an ampersand ('&') before the letter that will be the access key. For example, to set the letter 'P' as the access key, enter &Print.

Generate Access Key For Mini Cars

See also