Dialect Does Not Support Identity Key Generation Confluence


Dialect Does Not Support Identity Key Generation Confluence 2017

Jul 16, 2009 JPA Oracle Dialect does not support identity key generation?? Tanner tse Jul 16, 2009 8:58 AM Anybody please provide some help.

Dialect Does Not Support Identity Key Generation Confluence Mean

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      All MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete Methods
      Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
      StringappendIdentitySelectToInsert(String insertString)
      Provided we IdentityColumnSupport.supportsInsertSelectIdentity(), then attach the 'select identity' clause to the insert statement.
      GetGeneratedKeysDelegatebuildGetGeneratedKeysDelegate(PostInsertIdentityPersister persister, Dialect dialect)
      The Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns using JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys
      StringgetIdentityColumnString(int type)
      The syntax used during DDL to define a column as being an IDENTITY of a particular type.
      The keyword used to insert a generated value into an identity column (or null).
      StringgetIdentitySelectString(String table, String column, int type)
      Get the select command to use to retrieve the last generated IDENTITY value for a particular table
      Whether this dialect have an Identity clause added to the data type or a completely separate identity data type
      Does this dialect support identity column key generation?
      Does the dialect support some form of inserting and selecting the generated IDENTITY value all in the same statement.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait